In the first two chapters of the book of Genesis, there are two stories of creation. The first describes the familiar six days of creation and the second begins in Gen. 2:6 with the phrase: a mist rises off the face of the Earth and watered the whole face of the ground. The word for mist in Hebrew is ed spelled aleph-daled אד and has the gematrical structure of 1+4.
We then learn that the mist forms water over the face of the Earth and divides into 4 rivers which flow from the Garden of Eden and spread all over the Earth
And a river went out from Eden to water the garden, and from there it was divided and became four rivers (Gen. 2:10).
Hence the form of the word mist, with its 1+4 values, is represented in the physical form of the 4 rivers coming from a single source in the Garden of Eden. Simplistically, the 1+4 relationship represents the ‘1’ – who is God - creating the physical plane, the Earth and Universe, which is the ‘4’.
The relationship between 1 and 4 is extended with the creation of man, Adam (As we know from the text in the Bible, Adam אדם was created from the ground or soil. The word for ground/soil in Hebrew is adama אדמה; it is for this reason that the Hebrew word for ‘man’ is Adam). Adam, meaning ‘man’ in Hebrew, spelled aleph-daled-mem אדם has the gematrical structure 1-4-40. Thus ‘man’ is effectively the ‘mist’ to which a 40 has been added. As described earlier, the Hebrew alphabet progresses from units (1-9) to decanes (10-90) to centanes (100-400). So, while 4 represents the phenomenal plane, 40 represents the conscious plane, or in this case, the consciousness of man. Hence man, or ‘adam’ אדם, with the gematrical form 1-4-40 is made of: ‘1’ which is God, the unity and singular force of the universe, ‘4’ which is His physical form, and ‘40’ the power of intelligence or consciousness.
To extend this argument further, we can assume that man’s purpose on this Earth is to find truth (or, more in accordance with the story of Adam eating the apple, to re-find truth) and to align himself ultimately with God.
‘Truth’ is emet אמת in Hebrew, spelled aleph-mem-taf with the gematrical structure 1-40-400. So once again we see the number 4 reappearing and taken to the centane level, which is the spiritual plane. The ‘400’ is taf ת the last letter and highest value in the Hebrew alphabet. It indicates the highest level of spiritual consciousness that is possible in this physical universe. The 1-40-400 structure of the word truth therefore implies that truth comprises: the ‘1’ which is God, ‘40’ which is consciousness or intelligence and ‘400’ the highest spiritual level that can be reached on this earthly plane.
The implication of this structure is that man can only reach this highest level of spiritual consciousness (400) through the 1, God, which can be achieved through the intelligence or consciousness of man (40).
If we examine this further, the word for ‘dead’ in Hebrew is met מת and spelled mem-taf, with a gematrical structure 40-400. It is the same as ‘truth’ except without the aleph א. Hence an attempt to find ‘truth’ through the application of intelligence or even spiritual learning, but without the acknowledgment of God, will lead to death: unless knowledge is related and linked to the original power of God, it is not truth; it is death.
In a similar context, the word for ‘blood’ in Hebrew is dam דם and is spelled daled-mem with a gematrical structure 4-40. It is the same as the Hebrew word for adam אדם except it is without the 1, meaning that man, without God, is simply blood and flesh.